Raju Chohan is a Research Assistant in Riu.He gratulated his bachelor’s degree from Advanced College of Engineering. He has been working on building a 3D printer with the help of another 3D printer and digital twins in Riu.
Venue: RIU Station Date : 05th June -08th June 2022 on 2:30 pm Google Form: https://riuacem.com/events/story-telling-with-powerpoint/
It is difficult to show what real-world objects look like in three-dimensional form. Most of the time, looking at a photo or sketch gives us a good-enough idea. But nothing beats having a prototype: a model you can touch, hold and feel.
And here comes 3D Printer, which can make a rapid prototype by building up a 3D model one layer at a time, from the bottom upward, by repeatedly printing over the same area in a method.
Course Overview
Day 1: Introduction to 3D Printing, examining how it works, how it can be used, and the tech ecosystem in which it exists. Day 2: Practice creating digital 3D models of objects.
Inquisitive minds with patience to learn the skills and apply them to real-world problems.
10 seats only. Students would be shortlisted on the basis of their motivation letters.